This Kubelwagen Replica is a must-have for collectors and enthusiasts of military vehicles. The attention to detail on this model is impressive, with an accurate representation of the iconic Volkswagen make and model year 1942. Whether you’re looking to add to your collection or simply want to own a piece of history, this replica is the perfect addition to your collection. With its authentic design and high-quality construction, this Kubelwagen Replica is sure to impress. Don’t miss your chance to own this stunning piece of automotive history.
Comes on a rolling pallet for shipping. You will need a VW bug chassis, motor, steering shaft to complete the kit. Everything else is included, your choice of color, markings, license plate numbers, I will also add any accessories at an additional charge, any gun mount, gas can carrier, pintle hitch.

Price: $18,975

More info: Click here to see original eBay auction and get more information (Affiliate link)

Seller's other items: kubelkarft