A quality reproduction from WWII Supply Room.

Outstanding replica of a very scarce item. Complete your M2 Jungle first aid pouch contents without breaking the bank! Made from hardwood to replicate the two-piece wooden protective vial of the original item. Davis Mfg. variation.

Replica ONLY. FULLY INERT, CONTAINS NO IODINE! Dowel and pull-string only featuring our high quality, professionally printed replica labels.


As with all of our replicas, we only sell the highest quality packaging. You will not find scanned-in, aged imperfections as all of our products are 100% newly produced vector-based art. That is to say, we simply don’t rip off old labels and photocopy them like others do.

All dimensions, materials, etc. are spot-on replicas of the original. You’ll get that World War II look without the obvious aging that a scanned-in image will give you.

*NOTE: Combined Shipping is available on a multi-item purchase, however, this can only be issued per request before placing the order. Please go to your cart to request combined shipping if desired. Note: no retroactive partial refunds for shipping.

Price: $11

More info: Click here to see original eBay auction and get more information (Affiliate link)

Seller's other items: tefrost5